
I will be on an airplane beginning my very long journey in about 24 hours from now.  I am excited to be able to take such a trip but it is bittersweet because I hoped to be taking my significant other with me this time but instead I will be traveling alone.  Sometimes some things that we really want are just not meant to be.

I witnessed an amazing thing last night.  A dog who had puppies the day before was able to nurse puppies from a different mommy who had given birth to her litter a week earlier. (I hope that makes sense 🙂 ) The adopted mommy was in discomfort because she only gave birth to 2 puppies and needed relief because she had too much milk.  It was awesome to see the “adopted mom” take in the “strange” babies to nurse and vice versa.  There was such a gentle loving innocence about it.  It reminded me that love knows no bounds.

I wake up this morning not thinking about puppies exactly but thinking about love.  If you love someone you fight for them.  You never give up.  Sometimes you have to let go if they do not receive your love…but at least you know in your heart that you tried.

Today I am thankful for LOVE 🙂

Doing Something

I was sitting at a stop light today and saw a lady in need with a sign “homeless please help.”  I realized I didn’t have any money except a handful of change in my cup holder.  I rolled down the window and gave her the change and told her I was sorry that was all I had.  She thanked me with such sincerity that one would have thought the pennies, nickels, dimes and a few quarters was a millions dollars.  I felt bad that I couldn’t give her more.

In the past I was more skeptical.  Why aren’t they working?  Are they going to use the money for drugs or alcohol? More recently my outlook has changed.  It doesn’t matter why they are in need…it is my responsibility to do as much as I can.  My inspiration has been loved ones in my life.  I didn’t realize how good it made me feel inside to be able to help even if just a little bit.  I feel a great need and desire inside to do so much more and I am trying to figure out what/how…I pray that God will give me direction.

Today I am thankful for being able to help others who are less fortunate than me.  Instead of dwelling on what I do not have… I do KNOW that I am truly blessed.

Countdown to Japan

I leave in 4 days to take a long journey to visit my best friend, Noriko.  I am in need of her company right now and time spent with her and her family will be good for my soul.  She has been there for me through all of my ups and downs in my life since college…I am so thankful to have her! I told her I hoped to just relax and spend time hanging out at her house but I am sure she has a fun filled itinerary for us anyway!  And that is ok 🙂  I will be writing about my experiences here so that I can remember later.  When in a different country it is easy to forget all of the details and names and places you go!  Especially if you cannot read or understand the language. Luckily I will have a good interpreter and awesome tour guide.  I will be spoiled for almost 2 weeks and I have no complaints about that 🙂

Today I met another old dear friend who I had not seen in probably 20 years.  We met for lunch and I laughed more in an hour and a half than I have in the last couple of months combined.  She and I were inseparable from 5th grade through senior year.  This is a person who truly KNOWS me…even though years have passed that has not changed.  I hope that we continue to rebuild our friendship…true friends are hard to come by!

Today I am thankful for friendship 🙂



My first post

Hello 🙂


I plan to use this as an outlet of expression in my daily life.  Maybe in it, I can help myself and somehow possibly help others.  I am struggling with something right now which I will explain more about as I go.  But my focus will be seeing positivity in my daily life.  I have a lot to be thankful for and I want to remind myself of that on a daily basis.

Today was a good day.  I saw an old friend.  Visited a new church.  Had lunch with my dad at the nursing home.  Took a nap with my cats.  Had a home cooked meal that my roommates mom prepared.  And started this blog.

Writing has always helped me gather my thoughts and help put life into better perspective.  It isn’t as bad as it seems in my head sometimes.

I am alive…that I am thankful for today 🙂