
Destination Known

I remember sitting at the auto shop one Saturday afternoon nearly 20 years ago like it was yesterday. You know, you’re sitting there in this little cramped area with several other people staring at a TV with a fuzzy screen that is playing a bad episode of Maury Povich or Matlock? A pot of burnt coffee and a vending machine always decorate the area. A man is usually reading a newspaper and a mom is trying to keep her kids in their seats. It’s such a great way to spend part of your weekend isn’t it? (Ha!)

Back then we didn’t have smart phones to stare at while we waited so we actually talked to the people sitting around us. I remember talking to a man who was probably in his 40s. At that time I was in my 20s. I have no idea what our conversation was about except for the last thing he said to me. I will never forget it.

“You meet everyone for a reason.” 

I had always believed that but he confirmed it and made it REAL. And in my mind at that time and still today…I believe I remember those words from a stranger so vividly because it was message from God. He sent an angel to tell me that. He wanted me to become aware. Maybe that sounds crazy? Angels? Yes, Angels.

But someone with ADD who is overly self aware like myself kind of needs BIG RED FLAGS or flashing lighted signs placed in front of them in order to not miss stuff going on outside of her world.

God always gives us what we need when we need it. 

And what I have always been in need of is a reminder that everything is going to be okay. It’s all going to work out. Stop sweating it and enjoy your life, Stace. Stop worrying about the next thing and worry about THIS THING. The right now. Sit back and remember how all of those bad times in the past always got better. Remember that some of the people you thought you couldn’t live without rarely cross your mind today. And when they do, you actually just remember the good stuff. Because there was a heck of a lot of it.

I visited my dad at the nursing home tonight. He actually knew my name today and we talked about a lot of things from the past. He told me things about his job that I had no idea about. He wore MANY hats at that manufacturing plant. And the only thing I really knew he did was feed the fish in the pond in front of the building because that’s what we did when he took me there on Saturday’s when I was a kid.

It was a good visit and I was in need of that and so was he. And when I was driving home a song came on the radio that really meant a lot to me about 5 years ago. It was a song that got me through a very difficult time in my life. I cried tonight when I heard it. I got through that difficult time. That song reminded me of that. And I will get through this difficult time. And the next one. And in the meantime I’ll enjoy the ride. Because it is all one amazing journey of meaningful experiences that don’t seem to be connected at all while you are traveling through them…but once you reach your destination the tiny little pieces all seem to fit together beautifully.


Joy is  the word I picked for 2018. But I have acquired a couple of other favorite words recently as well. I can’t tell you what they are yet because I am still traveling to my next destination figuring them out. But I can tell you this…It is all going to be okay for me.

And if you are here reading this you’ve found me for a reason too…just like that guy at the auto shop told me 20 years ago. And I’m here to let you know YOU are going to be okay too. God knows where you are going so sit back and enjoy the view.

Blessings and travel on,

Stacey ~ iamalive



4 Replies to “Destination Known”

    1. Thank you my friend! Thank God for you too! 🙂 I’m sorry for such a delayed response but I appreciate you reading.

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