
Doing Something

I was sitting at a stop light today and saw a lady in need with a sign “homeless please help.”  I realized I didn’t have any money except a handful of change in my cup holder.  I rolled down the window and gave her the change and told her I was sorry that was all I had.  She thanked me with such sincerity that one would have thought the pennies, nickels, dimes and a few quarters was a millions dollars.  I felt bad that I couldn’t give her more.

In the past I was more skeptical.  Why aren’t they working?  Are they going to use the money for drugs or alcohol? More recently my outlook has changed.  It doesn’t matter why they are in need…it is my responsibility to do as much as I can.  My inspiration has been loved ones in my life.  I didn’t realize how good it made me feel inside to be able to help even if just a little bit.  I feel a great need and desire inside to do so much more and I am trying to figure out what/how…I pray that God will give me direction.

Today I am thankful for being able to help others who are less fortunate than me.  Instead of dwelling on what I do not have… I do KNOW that I am truly blessed.

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