
Lisa’s Blog #10 ~ Finished

(Sharing my friend Lisa’s message she originally posted on Maundy Thursday. Have a blessed Easter! Stacey ~ iamalive)

Today in my Bible reading plan I read John 19. This was about Jesus being flogged, mocked, crucified, and dying as a victor not victim. Although a day before Good Friday the timing is perfect because it is from God. The more I grow in my relationship with Jesus the more I understand the depth of what He went through to save me. Undeserving. It also makes me wish I would have had this relationship with Jesus when boys were growing up because I would have put so much more emphasis on what Easter really means instead of focusing on the Easter bunny, hunts, etc. We did have the resurrection eggs though. 🙂

Seriously though…to get what Jesus went through is life changing. Praying my children will get the depth of what Easter means sooner than I did. I can’t go back. Jesus said it is finished so I must forget what is behind and strain toward what is ahead as Paul said about pressing on towards our goal. As you go about the next 4 days really think what the words “It is finished” means to you in your life. #abiding


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