
Lisa’s Blog #4

Well for some reason I skipped ahead a day in the #f260 plan. Read Galatians 4-6 tonight. Maybe it was timely because it talks about following your flesh instead of the Spirit. God has been convicting me again from not drinking. Know that I am not a big drinker. Probably have 10 glasses of wine a year. God has convicted me on this for years. Even heard His audible voice one time. That will put the fear of God in you! Then, however, time goes by and I am with friends and that’s what they do. Drinking is everywhere in our culture. It’s like everyone is trying to escape from reality or something. Know that I am not judging because that’s not my job. I am speaking for myself. When I read a man reaps what he sows and that if he sows  to please his sinful nature he will reap destruction. If he sows to please the Spirit he will reap eternal life. Drinking in itself is not a sin. However, if I drink am I really pleasing God? Escaping reality with alcohol is not in His character. Also, David Landrith said if God tells you to not do something and you do it then you are sinning. I want to experience all that God has to offer me so I am going to abstain from drinking. If my friends have an issue with that are they really my friends? I have seen too many people escape their lives with alcohol and that is something I don’t ever want to do. I want to feel even if it hurts. I believe the enemy has deceived us by saying red wine is healthy. Plus we spend so much time exercising and being healthy only to pour toxins down our throat. Doesn’t make any sense. I am sure this isn’t going to be a popular post but I will always share what’s in my heart.



I asked Lisa if I could share this one because when I read it last night I REALLY related. I enjoy beer and wine but I do not drink to get drunk. However, I did so recently and I have felt guilt since doing so. In the past he has not really convicted me with alcohol, but other things. When you hear that voice, LISTEN. I believe God will not elevate us to where we want to be until we let go of all of the things that are keeping us tied to our old ways instead of trusting him completely. I believe this is why I personally have been stuck in the valley for such a long time now. Maybe you relate? If so he is waiting for you to catch up. That means abiding and letting go.


Stacey ~ iamalive

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