I have written a couple of entries over the last few weeks that I have not completed and are still saved to my drafts. I will probably delete them. Sometimes I start typing and think I have a purpose but then I cannot tie it all together. It ends up being a bunch of jumbled convoluted thoughts that go in circles and probably wouldn’t make much sense to you. But my brain just works like that sometimes Anyway, I am not promising this one to go any better but I will try.
I saw an amazing movie tonight that was way too long and I am still trying to wrap my head around it but I enjoyed it thoroughly…Interstellar. I heard a lot of mixed reviews about it but I knew a little about the plot and I was curious. I like the idea of the journey into the unknown in hopes of saving the future of mankind. I am an adventurer and explorer at heart. I won’t go into details about the movie because I do not want to spoil it. But there was one quote from the movie that stuck out like a sore thumb to me…and I truly think it defined the entire three hour long movie. “Love is the one thing that transcends time and space.” We have all heard that love is the international language that overrides cultural and language barriers. I believe even animals experience love. They care for their babies just as humans do. There is no greater power than love. “Love conquers all.” “All you need is love.” “Love makes the world go ’round.” Love of other people…children, parents, significant others, friends…is what makes living this life worthwhile. God’s unconditional love for us never changes like the love from humans. It is steadfast and true. It is comforting.
What would happen if we all stopped trying to figure everything out on our own for a minute and just loved one another? Let go of anger, jealousy, resentment, frustration, complaining, impatience, greed, etc. etc. etc. and just loved one another. Give to someone who could never repay you. Donate your free time to a homeless shelter instead of sitting on the couch complaining about how bored or meaningless your life feels. Smile at a stranger. Give more than a 20% tip at dinner. Talk to your family instead of playing on your phone all night. Eat dinner together. Pray together. Reconnect with friends and family you have lost touch with for whatever reason….let go of the resentment. Learn to forgive. Learn to live. Learn to love again.
I never knew a Sci-Fi movie could stir up so much emotion in me…but I was drawn to the theater today for more than the fact that it was free popcorn Tuesday (which I found out they stopped several months ago). I still got my popcorn…and I have a new more positive and brighter outlook. Love is so much more powerful than hate. All you need is love…