
Restored ~ Day 21

I wrote the other day about how God allowed Satan to take everything away from Job and through it all…Job remained steadfast in his faith.

There comes a point in life where you will be down to nothing and you have two choices. (If you don’t think this is going to happen you are wrong…at least that is what I have been told by many and experienced myself). And when it happens you can either give up and give in to Satan or you can remain faithful and keep fighting knowing that God has not given up on you.

I have been in a season in my life where my faith has been challenged repeatedly. It would be sooooooo EASY for me to revert to my old ways because at least I am familiar with that life. It was a life without meaning but it was safe.

I could go back to that toxic, sinful relationship that I know is not part of God’s plan for me. I could stop writing here and keep my mouth shut about my faith and my journey because vulnerability is scary. I could do a lot of things that I have already done a hundred times that didn’t work but at least I know how things turn out.

However, I have already gone backwards too many times. I always like to motivate myself by thinking I am like Linda Hamilton in the last scene in Terminator where she drives off into the desert in her red Jeep sporting her cool aviators. She had been through hell and she was still moving forward. (I just realized the picture I decided to attach with this post was of me looking out into the ocean in Okinawa where I began this journey. Coincidence? I am not wearing cool aviators but I don’t think it is a coincidence).

Go back to my old life?  As Heather Land says in her daily Facebook videos, “I ain’t doin’ it!” I am done with that old sinful selfish person who thinks the world revolves around her and owes her something. My purpose here is to let God keep being God and to point people in His direction through sharing my story.

I received an email recently from someone who reads my blog. She recommended that I do something for others when I am feeling bad about my life. I appreciated that message because I have been failing at that lately and I needed the reminder. What I have been failing to do most for others is to pray for them. I have been failing to pray at all for that matter. I read Job 42 today and verse 10 stuck out to me.

10 After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord restored his fortunes and doubled his previous possessions.

God brings beauty from ashes. He restores our HEARTS when we keep believing and trusting in His faithfulness.


Stacey ~ iamalive

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