It is Sunday evening and I am finally recuperated from my jet lag (I think!). I arrived home from my trip to Japan at 2am Friday morning. What a LONG journey home! My flight left Japan at 430pm Tokyo time Thursday (which would have been 230am Thursday here at home. So basically I traveled for 24 hours. My cats were so glad to see me
They were a nice welcoming committee for sure and have not left my side all weekend. Friday I slept like a cat myself all day with them…I was exhausted. Saturday I managed to get out and about at a decent time and go visit my Dad at the nursing home. He was doing great and glad to see me. I gave him some snacks from Japan and a t-shirt that Noriko sent with me to give him. I showed him my pictures…he really enjoyed hearing about my experience
After that I stopped by to see my friend Stephanie…she was at her parents house visiting…on the street where I grew up. It is always a strange thing to go back “home” and see the house where I grew up. The people who live there now have made some changes and it looks really nice. Anyway it was good to see my friend for a bit and her parents.
Today I went to a new church and really enjoyed the music and the message. The message was that we all need to have a mission. I think I am finally starting to figure out what my mission is in this life…and I hope I can continue this ride of positivity. Life is so precious and sweet. It is too short to be moping around and dwelling on my little problems in life. I do not have cancer. I am not hungry. I have a job and a roof over my head. I have a car and although it is not new, it gets me where I need to go. I have friends and family who care about me. I am truly blessed in so many ways. My marriage is ending but my life is not ending. I will go on…I am strong and I get knocked down at times but I always get back up. This time I want to really change my way of thinking and let go of negativity which hopefully will change my life. I want to use my experiences to make a positive impact on others somehow.
This blog is very personal and I appreciate anyone who is reading it. It is a glimpse into my thoughts which I do not easily express to others outwardly. It is my “diary” in a sense. I enjoy writing to express my feelings and thoughts and this is the first step in my “mission”. I am excited to see where it goes…