Grit: A positive, non-cognitive trait based on an individual’s perseverance of effort combined with the passion for a particular long-term goal or end state.
Looking back, it’s interesting to me how I seem to always survive the worst storms in life like a pro. I always seem to pick myself up and keep moving forward. But in the middle of the chaos I usually think it’s the end. But it’s never been the end because I am still here to tell about it.
You would think that those rough patches would be the most difficult to get through, but for me that really isn’t the case. The most difficult times are the times when not much is happening at all. It is like I am sitting here waiting for something bad to happen. And after waiting a while, I get bored. And then I get distracted with things that consume my thoughts and I lose my focus. I stop looking for things coming up in the distance that could lead me in a wrong direction. I’m already sidetracked.
It is a never ending cycle. Up, down, up, down, up, down.
After years and years of going through this cycle, I have finally actually gained some wisdom from my experiences. I have definitely become stronger. I don’t fall apart easily like I used to. I don’t blame others like I used to. I KNOW I am responsible for me.
And in the tough times I cling to God like I am hanging from a tiny ledge on a cliff and He is my only hope. But truthfully, I should be clinging to Him at all times. Because during these boring, dull times when I am just living my life, that is when the enemy likes to attack most. When I least expect it. When my guard is down. When I think all is okay. He dangles a carrot in front of me or possibly a piece of cheesecake. And although I am not really hungry…I reach for it anyway. It looks so sweet and it just grabs my attention.
But soon after I grab it, I realize I’ve made a mistake. And suddenly I am back on the floor wondering what the heck just happened. Taking my eyes off of my goals for a split second sends me backwards every single time. I KNOW I need to be alert at all times, not just during crisis. Stopping to rest sounds like a nice idea, but that’s when I get in trouble. Every single time. Did I mention every time? When I think I can take my eyes off God for a few moments I get myself in a mess. Surviving the hurricane does me no good when I trip over a branch in the path when I get up and continue walking.
Praying for focus, strength, endurance, and some good old fashioned spiritual grit to always keep me moving forward no matter how many times I stumble.
Stacey ~ iamalive