Today I am thankful for my dad. I mention him a lot when I write and that’s because he really is the one person on this planet who knows me and loves me unconditionally. He would do anything for me as I would for him. I wish his health was better but I admire him for keeping positive regardless.
Day 13 of Giving Thanks
I am not going to lie, today has been “one of those days.” Luckily I have faith that things are going to be okay, no matter what. My job situation is bleak. I have a family member who needs prayers…he has a very serious medical issue right now. Things aren’t great at the moment. But I know that God has a plan. He gives me strength. He will take care of everything in His way in His time. Today I am thankful I have God on my side.
Day 12 of Giving Thanks
Today was my day off from work. I met an old co-worker for lunch who I hadn’t seen for a very long time. It was great to see him and to catch up. Afterwards I helped AL tackle painting a bedroom in her house. Her mom helped and we had fun painting, talking and laughing. I have so many fond memories of being at their house when I was a kid…it was like my second home for several years.
I read a quote today that said it is a fact that if you are friends with someone for longer than 7 years that you will most likely be friends for life. I do believe that. My 3 best friends have been in my life since I was very young. Friends that stick around that long are more like family. I’m thankful today for lifetime friendships 🙂
Day 11 of Giving Thanks
Today I am thankful for good home cooked comfort food! I had an amazing meal tonight (that I did NOT prepare myself :)). Â Chicken n dumplings remind me of my Mom and that’s always a good thing…
Day 9 & 10 of Giving Thanks
I am realizing it is going to be difficult to post everyday but I am doing my best!  I have soooo much to be thankful for that I can make up for not posting yesterday today I do believe 🙂
I have had an excellent weekend and it is not even over yet! Â I spent all afternoon yesterday outside hiking with a new friend and the weather was GORGEOUS. Â I had a great lunch afterwards and then spent the evening with my best friend AL…we attended a special service for our church and it was very uplifting. Â Today I made it to the VERY early service and then spent the rest of the morning with my Dad. Â A very nice man who is a resident at the nursing home with Dad gave me the honor today of seeing a lot of his artwork. Â He gave me some poems to take home with me to read along with a DVD that he had made. Â I enjoyed talking with him and he told my Dad that if he was “50 years younger he might have to ask his daughter out on a date.” Â (THIS MADE MY DAY!!! :)) Now I am resting up and planning to catch a movie tonight with Shan. Â I am keeping busy and I feel very content and happy with where I am in my life right now. Â I have come a long way baby!
I sometimes write about the little details and if you are reading this and that bores you I apologize! Â But really it is the little things that count I do believe. Â The day-to-day experiences make life worthwhile. Â Today I am thankful for the little things…which really are the BIG things in my book…
And just an edit to this post…the movie I ended up seeing was EXACTLY about what I mentioned here. If you have not yet seen “About Time”, I do recommend it. It is a love story/chick flick about time travel! But it has as a great message of enjoying every day and every moment to the fullest.
Day 8 of Giving Thanks
Today I’m thankful for my health. I am more health conscious now than I have been ever before in my life. I’m eating better and I’ve been working out regularly since August. Thanks to my friend Shan for giving me the boost I needed to join the gym. She’s been a very important part of my support system and I appreciate her encouragement very much. When I first started I was running intervals of 1 minute on the treadmill with several minute breaks in between. Eight weeks later I am now jogging for 25 minutes at a good pace with no breaks. My goal is to run a 5k by next spring. I feel a sense of accomplishment that I’ve never felt before and I am very thankful for that!