My name is Stacey Sloughfy. I am 41 years young. I enjoy nature, sunshine, travel, animals, music, writing, running, eating, concerts, the ocean and lots of other stuff 🙂 I was blessed to have been raised by 2 amazing parents who managed to stay married until my mom passed away in 2003. She is still with me though. I love my dad dearly. I hope to inspire others in a positive way. I am alive and for that I am thankful. My blog is or follow me on Twitter @iamalive41
Life is too short to wait
Life is too short to wait has been the theme to my weekend. Friday I met with a co-worker for lunch. We are discussing the possibility of starting a business of our own. We are capable women! We are just in the talking stages and I have no idea if this is what I really want yet but it is definitely an option. Why not?!
Saturday I attended the memorial service of a man who I grew up with on Downey Drive. I lived next door to him and his parents for 30 years??? Although they had moved away years ago, there is still a feeling of “family” when I remember them. I still communicate with his mother on Facebook (isn’t this crazy how we all communicate nowadays?) and I was looking forward to seeing her although I wish it had been under easier circumstances. The service was beautiful. It was more of a celebration of LIFE than of death and I think that is how we should remember those who have left us. They are still with us in our memories. Life is incredibly short!!! I never realized this until my mom passed away in 2003. It feels like the clock is ticking away and I have this over whelming feeling that I must grab every chance that comes along and live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. The people we meet in our life are put there for a reason. Don’t take them for granted and treasure every moment because we do not know when they might be taken away from us. Tell those people you love them every chance you get. Marty’s service was beautiful. They played a video montage of old pictures of him with family and friends enjoying life. The service ended with a song that Marty requested to be played at the very end and it was very fitting for the occasion. I have never been to a funeral service and heard an Ozzy Osbourne song but it was PERFECT and it was what he wanted…”See you on the other side”, Marty 🙂
After the service I went to visit my dad at the nursing home for the rest of the afternoon and had dinner with him. I normally go visit him on Sunday but I was already in Ky so I decided to go ahead and go. Plus I knew he would be very happy to see me no matter what day of the week it is. My dad is my inspiration. He cannot walk anymore and he has been in the nursing home confined to a wheel chair for 5.5 years. His struggle with his health began at least 5 years prior to that. His health has gradually declined since he was diagnosed with NPH (in 2003?) but his spirit has not. I visit him often because I know that time is precious and I need to enjoy every moment possible that I can with him. He keeps his chin up and remains as positive as he can with his given situation. It inspires me and it makes me thankful for my health and for being able to get up everyday and walk around and do whatever I want to do.
Next, I stopped by my friend Anna’s house. We watched a movie called “Bridesmaids” which is a quirky comedy and we both said it described our lives to this point as far as relationships with men, friends and family to a degree. Failed jobs, failed relationships, fake relationships, jealousy among girl friends, empty bank account etc. etc. etc…..the list goes on and on. But in the end the main character came out ahead and HAPPY. And I think that is where I am headed. You have to go through the struggle to win the reward. It is crazy at times and it takes a lot of FAITH but in the end we do make it through. I am getting there and I am enjoying the journey.
This morning I went to church. I have been visiting this particular church for about 3 months now and it is one of the best things I have ever done. I have never been one to go to church on a regular basis but I cannot wait to go every week to listen to Pastor Bret speak and listen to the uplifting music. It starts my week off great and I am thankful a friend of mine recommended for me to check it out. This church has recently been recognized as being the 6th fastest growing church in the U.S. That is AMAZING. To me it means something very special is happening there and I am glad to be a part of it. There will soon be 3 locations and they are going to start having 3 services beginning next month to accommodate the growing congregation. Today’s message goes along with my theme for the weekend…”Do not wait until you are told you are dying to start living.” I am definitely going to take this advice 🙂 After church I went to the gym and ran 2.5 miles on the treadmill…came home and had good healthy lunch that I prepared for myself…and then took a long nap 🙂 I do believe in naps! I am now getting ready to go meet a friend I haven’t seen for a VERY long time to catch a movie.
This is not a “very sad handwritten book” (Anna) 😉 …this is my life and it is a very blessed one. If you are reading this I truly appreciate you taking the time…don’t wait…and have a great week! Life is short but life is good…
Enjoying the Journey
One of my dearest friends sent me this quote today:
“The sad truth is that there are some people who will only be there for you as long as you have something they need. When you no longer serve a purpose to them, they will leave. The good news is, if you tough it out, you’ll eventually weed these people out of your life and be left with some great people who you can count on. We rarely lose friends and lovers, we just gradually figure out who our real ones are.”
The older I become and the more experiences I go through in this life…the more apparent this has truly become to me. Not just with men in my life but also with friends. I have had some REALLY GOOD friends throughout my life. But usually they come and go after a short time or “season.” I believe we do meet everyone for a reason…to teach us some kind of lesson. Or for us to possibly teach them something. I have been lucky enough to have 3 amazing “best friends” throughout my life and I can proudly say they are still there for me today, as I am there for them. One I have known since I was less than one year old. The second I met in grade school years. And the third I met in college. I think God put each of them in my life at those particular stages for a reason and I honestly do not know what I would do without these women in my life today. There have been periods of time I have gone without talking to each of them (sometimes years) but that doesn’t change ANYTHING. We love each other and help each other and are just there no matter what…even if we do not always agree.
Another thing that I am realizing is that I do not necessarily need a man in my life to be happy. I have been in 5 long term relationships in my adult life (2 of those marriages) and yet I am still single. But I am happy with ME now. And although I do hope to have a long lasting relationship someday…I am ok alone. And I have grown and learned from each of my relationships…with men and with girlfriends. “Every single thing that has ever happened in your life is preparing you for a moment that is yet to come.” Life is a learning experience. When I was 20 I thought I knew it all…wow was I wrong. It has been an exciting journey for sure…good, bad, happy, sad…all moments that have shaped me into the woman I am today. And I appreciate everyone who has been along on this ride with me. It truly is ok if someone leaves…it just helps us figure out who is real.
Today I am thankful for true relationships…and for those who have been on this ride with me enjoying the journey…
For I Am Yours and You Are Mine
I am having a leisurely day off from work today. I woke up early but did not get out of bed until after 11am. I do not do this very often but sometimes it is NEEDED. To just relax and think or not think.
Yesterday was the first day of the week long Fall Festival here where I live. I look forward to this event every year…mainly now for the FOOD. In younger years it was about socializing and hanging out with friends. I went last night with my roommate and her friend and spent way too much on what I had to eat but it is for a good cause and definitely yummy. I was thinking about all of the people I had been there with over the years. Childhood friends when I was a kid, my parents, work friends, girlfriends, boyfriends, husbands(s) Haha. Just a lot of different memories from being there and they are all great. I am going back again today with my girlfriend Anna and her daughter and her daughters friend (her daughter wanted to take a friend because they are embarrassed to be seen with us…WOW I remember those days!!!) Anyway, looking forward to pigging out again…my healthy eating diet will have to be postponed until next week and that is OKAY! 😀
The chill in the air that last week or so has also brought back other memories of fall. I was thinking about being away at school…3.5 hours from my parents. MY FAVORITE TIME OF MY LIFE! It was such a freeing experience that I am so thankful my parents allowed me to have. I was homesick a lot at first and I remember being excited for them to come visit me for a weekend…it was in the fall about this time of year. I was so worried about getting my apartment cleaned up for their inspection that I bailed out on a couple of classes on Friday to clean. They surprised me and came early and I got in trouble for missing class! I guess I should have planned ahead but such is the life of a college student. It is definitely a good memory though. Just having my parents with me while I was in my new place was very special.
My next thoughts were about my grandparents (Dad’s side). They lived in Pennsylvania and then in Arizona in later years. I received a message from someone I love dearly who is having a visit from family soon and something she said reminded me of my grandpa calling us the “Kentucky kids”. He would say he was coming to visit the Ky kids when they came to visit…which was quite often. They enjoyed their retirement and traveled across the US in their motorhome. I LOVED their visits. And I also enjoyed going to PA and AZ to visit them. My grandpa would mail my parents and me letters addressed to The Kentucky Kids…what a sweet memory. They both passed away when I was in college and I miss them very much.
A final memory I had while being lazy this morning was about my old home…the house I grew up in on Downey Drive. To me, that will ALWAYS be home. Another family lives there now but there are SO MANY memories connected to that house…and that is what I mean by home. I guess my heart really is still there. I am excited to have a house of my own again someday where I can create new memories with loved ones. To me, that is what life is about.
I guess I will always be a “Kentucky kid” from Downey Drive and there is nothing wrong with that in my book 🙂
Sunday Funday
I just love Sundays. Sunday is the day I go to church and go visit my Dad. It is my favorite day of the week. I am working through so many things right now. I have so much going on and I am having a difficult time focusing. Sunday is my day to focus on what is important.
I have been filling my free time with so many things. I went to a concert last week in Nashville and saw one of my favorite artists perform at the Ryman Auditorium (formerly the Grand Ole Opry House). What a thrill to number one, see Jack Johnson perform live finally…I have followed his music career for over 10 years. And number two…just being at place with so much history. So many amazing artists have performed there throughout the years and it was awesome to be there amongst the history.
I saw a movie last week produced by Kirk Cameron called “Unstoppable”. This movie was truly inspiring. The movie was about why does God let bad things happen to good people and how out of tragedy, faith becomes even stronger. It has made me realize that the life struggles I have faced, have made me even stronger. I feel inspired to help others somehow from the things I have learned throughout my life…from my experiences.
I am continuing to work on travel writing entries. I am job searching. I am spending time with friends. I am feeling alive again. Today I am thankful to wake up each day. I am truly blessed…God is good.