
Embrace Your Body ~ Day 4

I attended an event tonight sponsored by Project Reveal called Embrace Your Body. It was a celebration of 30 unique women telling their stories about their journeys through photography. The mission was to inspire women to embrace who they are, scars and all. Women of all ages, sizes, ethnicities, and backgrounds participated.

These women had each been through something different but shared something in common. They were ready to accept who they are and share their stories publicly. Some had dealt with life threatening illness. Some had been sexually, emotionally, or physically abused. Some dealt with feelings from the aftermath of abortion. Some were anorexic. Some dealt with self mutilation. Others dealt with being insecure about being overweight. The list goes on and on. Everyone has a story.

At the end of the night my friend told me she thought I should apply for my story to be told at next years event. I thought that was odd at first because my first reaction was that I am not yet where I want to be in my life. But that is not the point. The point is to accept yourself as you are right now. For me, it isn’t exactly about my outward appearance that I struggle with…although the wrinkles are more obvious and I cannot seem to get rid of the belly fat anymore. My struggle has been accepting myself for who I am on the inside. I will never be an extrovert or a public speaker who wins over a crowd with a speech. I will never know what it’s like to not have been raped. I will never know what it is like to not grow up with a bipolar mother. I will never know what it’s like to be anyone else but myself.

Scars aren’t always visible on the outside. Loving yourself and understanding that you are not your past or the things you have been through is the only way to truly begin to live again. It is the only way to truly become the person God intended you to be. No, I am not there yet and I might not every fully be there. But I am learning to embrace myself inside and out a little more every day.


Stacey ~ iamalive

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