
Lent Day 3


“In the meantime, I live in a river town close to where I grew up. I spend as much time as I can outside, near the water. In the warm months I enjoy sitting on a bench close to the water thinking, breathing. Being. It is a safe place. The water makes me feel alive. But I feel comfort and safety near trees. I am drawn to them. I remember playing under the Maple trees in our front yard when I was a child. I lay there for hours with my transistor radio in my pocket listening to ‘70s tunes, digging up anthills, and searching for four leaf clovers in the lawn. Then the honeybees came. They swarmed one of my trees and my parents had to call a beekeeper to collect them. It scared me. My tree was in danger. The bees left and my tree survived. Trees can withstand most anything, besides humans. That maple tree is still standing today. Forty years later it is substantial in size now. It seemed gigantic to me back then but it was a young sapling my dad planted when we moved to Downey Drive when I was a year old. A new family lives in that house now but the trees are still there. Most trees survive the storms. God made them for protection. My maple tree protected me as a child.”

That was a little excerpt from a writing project I’m working on. Writing has become my creative outlet and a way to express my faith. I think we all use our imagination in different ways to express how God is working in us. Singing, playing an instrument, poetry, photography, acting, creating things with our hands, etc.

I see God in everything, especially near the water and trees. The water makes me feel alive, while trees offer safety and protection.

Isaiah 26:3 “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all those whose thoughts are fixed on you.” Amen

Keeping focused…


Stacey ~ iamalive

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