
Lisa’s Blog #1

My friend Lisa Millman accepted my invitation to contribute here regularly and I am so excited to share her first post!

Blessings, Stacey ~ iamalive

I listened to a podcast this morning by Matt Chandler. Thank you @karenallison for telling me about him. The podcast was about remembering your true identity and was centered around Philippians 3. I thought about how many years I went around with a fake identity giving into my own self-centeredness where my desires came before God’s and all concerns were on earthly things. Someone looking at my life would have a hard time telling I was saved. Granted I only had a head knowledge of God and not the deep personal relationship I have now. I look around now at the things people glorify and most of the things are things that Jesus Christ died for. Sin. I am even guilty as charged. These verses in the post really jumped out at me when I was listening so I went and read Philippians 3. Look at your life. Seriously look at your life. If you are not focused on heavenly things and seeking God you are headed toward destruction. Hell is a real place. Do you seek to satisfy your desires now doing whatever you want? No boundaries? Do you find glory in your shame? Are you so focused on satisfying your desires and flesh today that you don’t focus on eternal things? When your time is up will God say I never even knew you? These are heavy things to think about. I know so many loved ones that when I look at their life I have no idea if they are truly saved. They say they are but no evidence at all by the way they live. That is a huge burden. I want them to know the love of Christ that I know. It consumes me and healed me from many things that could have taken me down some dark paths. Yet, the grace of God saved this sinner. Thank you, Jesus! I challenge you today to be real about where your identity is.


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