
After All

Luke 9:57 “As they were walking along the road, a man said to Jesus “I will follow you wherever you go.”

Giving your life over to the Lord means trusting Him in everything you do. Without trust, there is no faith. Without faith you begin to be consumed with worry and doubt, taking over your thoughts and swaying your choices.

It is SO easy to take a detour.

We say “I will follow You but…” and then we begin to make excuses. We begin to choose our own comfort over pleasing the Lord.

Once you begin to follow Jesus and walk with God, there really is no turning back. Sometimes we need a kick in the behind to get back on course. Myself included.

I have been under attack by the enemy for several weeks. I have allowed the devil to sit on top of my shoulder and find a comfortable spot there. And when I consciously realize this is happening, I tell him to buzz off!

But he is relentless and without fail he always sneaks back up there. “Stace, I am back and I am here to comfort you.”

I give in.

I have so much goodness inside of me to share! I know that my personal testimony will help others who are in similar situations or can relate. I KNOW this. It is constantly on my mind! But I STILL choose comfort over sharing my message more times than not. I have had all weekend to work on my writing projects (blog entries, my memoir, inspirational travel writing). And how much have I finished of that? I completed one blog post about my mom that I actually began a week ago. It was important and difficult but it is done and time to move on.

I have a to-do list about a mile long beyond my writing that I haven’t touched either. Accomplishing those items might relieve some stress but instead I am distracted by my personal need to be comfortable. I sit down with the intention to write or complete a different task and suddenly I have my phone in my hand and I am checking my Twitter notifications. Or I’m scrolling Instagram for cute cat pictures to post next weekend for “caturday.” Or I am going to get a snack. Or I decide to take a little nap. Or I go for a walk or a bike ride. Or do my laundry. Or I eat, again. Some of these things are necessary…eating for sure. But they can WAIT.

I have lost focus of my priorities. My need for comfort becomes ENDLESS and I waste hours distracting myself from my purpose.

While writing this message I have taken several “breaks.” I prepped fruit for my smoothies for the week, made a pot of chili (and ate 2 bowls) and posted about it all on Instagram. I am unfocused. And I am totally aware of this. I am not doing my best. I am not following Jesus. I am taking detours and I am getting very lost. It is time to refocus.

At church this morning our pastor said “To be a vibrant church proclaim the message…more than ever.” (It is our responsibility to “get the word out” so to speak). He also challenged us to 31 Days of Prayer in October. We are to pray for people in our lives who need to experience Jesus (I know more than a few…I am sure you do too). We are to pray and ask God what is our calling in connection to His message (mine is to share my story…what is yours?). And we need to pray about what we are willing to give (I really need to pray about this one). And by that I believe he meant what are we willing to give financially to our church in particular. If you would like to join me in this challenge…maybe you can ask yourself what you are willing to give…where you are right now. Who do you know in your life that NEEDS to experience a relationship with Christ? What is your role in all of this?

Find your purpose and give up some of that comfort you are used to. Message over mashed potatoes? (Message over comfort!)

I am up for the challenge. I needed that kick in the behind. I am also going to double that challenge and write a blog post everyday in October. They might be very short entries (some of you might be relieved) but that is my goal.

My purpose is to follow Jesus. Period. And by doing so it is my responsibility to share what I know.

This time one year ago I was basically living in a bedroom…I rented part of a house from someone and had all of my personal belongings in storage. I had been in that situation for over a year and I began to long for my “stuff.” To comfort myself I began to bring a lot of it to her house and crammed it into her spare room where she had a lot of her “stuff “stored too. She didn’t like that I was suddenly taking up more space and I felt hostility building between us. I was comfortable there and I would have stayed longer but she pushed me out of my comfort zone, thankfully. I am now independent again and have my own place and I am building my life back. If she had not pushed me I would still be “stuck.” So I thank her for that.

Although that situation didn’t exactly end pretty, it was necessary. We can help others in a similar way to get “unstuck” by praying for them and by helping out however we can. Invite them to church. Give them words of encouragement. Just give them a listening ear. Pray for them again. Make the EFFORT to help in whatever way that you feel called.

Following Him wherever He goes…that is my purpose.


“Hosana we are found after all you are


I can’t comprehend You’re infinelty beautiful.” ~ DCB



Stacey ~ iamalive


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