
Catching Up

It has been a good while since I sat down and typed…here goes!

I am EXTREMELY happy about the biographies I have posted recently for Michelle Critser-Christian singer/songwriter, Jason LaRoi Smalls-Praymorestressless and last but not least Michael A. Diggs-Author/Poet.  I hand picked all three of them to write about because they are individuals who inspire me.  And I hoped by sharing their stories they would inspire others. I have had an overwhelmingly positive feedback for each of them.   They each, in their own way, desire to bring people closer to God who may not know Him or may have wandered away.  I think the world needs more of these kind of people and I am happy  to help them share their talents, abilities and positive outlook on life.

I have been keeping busy with my day to day life…work, my cats, seeing friends, family and trying to enjoy summer although I feel it slipping by too quickly!  I took a day trip to Garden of the Gods a month or so ago and I wrote a story about my day and experience there which I submitted to a writing contest.  I do not know if it will be published yet or not but either way I will be posting it here at some point.  It was a GOOD day!  🙂

I have hit a few minor speed bumps since spring but I am getting back on my feet.  I have complete faith in GOD and I know I am right where I am supposed to be even though I am unsure of the road ahead.  People have come and gone from my life over the last year and I have learned a lot from them and those experiences.  I truly believe God brings people into your life when you need them or need to learn something about yourself.  Or possibly you are meant to teach that person a lesson.  We are not meant to stay close to everyone we meet and relate to for our entire life.  It just doesn’t work that way unfortunately.  But the people we TRULY need will always be there.  I have a handful of people in my life that I know I can depend on for anything for the rest of my life!  They are a blessing.  I have family members I only talk to once or twice a year who don’t bother to check on me (and yes it works both ways, I am bad about it too).  But the people who REALLY care are always there.  I might not see or talk to them everyday but I know if I pick up the phone or send an email or drop by they will be there no matter what.  I pray that everyone has a few good friends like that…it is really all you need.

I posted a couple of very personal messages on Twitter yesterday.  I have wanted to write a blog entry on these subjects but for now it seems fitting to include them here.  The first was “the devil sometimes comes in the shape of a lover, best friend or someone you trust.  But do not hesitate to walk away from these people if you find they do not have your best interest at heart.”  I think God brings good and bad into our lives to teach us lessons so that we can grow emotionally and spiritually.  Without all the bad “stuff” I wouldn’t have my strength today.  It is a process.  And I am not saying everyone I have let go of was all “bad” but they may have hurt me to teach me a lesson.  Without those lessons I might still be stumbling and fumbling around with a lack of knowledge.

The other quote I have in mind is “if you feel like an outsider, weird, an outcast or just different, you are not alone!  You are a unique individual who has more to offer than most!”  When I wrote that I actually had myself in mind!!!  I have felt like an outsider my entire life.  I am extremely quiet, shy and introverted around people I do not know well.  For  most of my school years I think kids thought I was “stuck up” but that is not the case.  I was terrified of talking!  I still have trouble with it at 42 years old!  ( My HICK Kentucky accent does not help matters!!! :))  BUT…I am more comfortable in my own skin than I have ever been in my entire life right now.  I don’t care what others think anymore and what a relief that is!!!  I am unique and I am a child of GOD just like you.  I am here for a reason and so are you.  It might be a different reason but we all have a purpose.  We are not all meant to be speakers or actors and crave the limelight.  I have found a passion for writing as my outlet and I THANK GOD for leading me in that direction!  In summary…if you feel different, you probably are and that is OKAY.  We are not meant to follow the crowd and be just like everyone else.  Be your unique self and pave your own path in life…I guarantee it will be the greatest adventure you will ever take.  I have had a passion for travel and music for over 20 years.  My limited funds prevent me from doing as much as I would like but I do as much as I possibly can because I KNOW life is short and I don’t want to live with regrets.  The time to live is NOW!

I am looking forward to continuing this blog and promoting positivity on Twitter and Instagram.  It gives me a sense of purpose.  It is a daily “job” that I LOVE for which I do not get paid.  I do however receive amazing feedback from people who tell me they love my quotes and reading my posts helps them get through their day….wow!  Now that inspires me to continue on more than anything…thank YOU! I will share below a comment I received today on an earlier blog post…it truly made my day! It is a blessing to be a blessing!

Thank you as always for checking in with me…Peace and Love, Stacey xo

“Hello Stacey! Just a note of encouragement to you. So many appreciate your memes on Twitter. I wonder how many times these give someone just what they need for that moment in their life. Sharing your discouragements makes you real, your encouragements a leader. Thank you!”

2 Replies to “Catching Up”

  1. Well written my friend! I love this!! God is using you to do great things for his glory!! That is pretty awesome!!!

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