
Difficult Roads

I saw the above quote on a jewelry ad on Instagram today. It coincided with something I am struggling with at the moment: Facing fear and stepping beyond my comfort zone so I can begin to live again.

I also read these notes I had jotted down at some point in my daily devotional:

“We have to learn to live in the grey day according to what we saw on the mount.”


“Take yourself by the scruff of the neck and shake off your incarnate laziness.”


I’ve been wearing a bracelet since 2013 that says “Enjoy the Journey.” It is a reminder to live every single day and not put things off to do in an unknown future. But I haven’t been doing that lately. I have fallen into a spiritual, emotional, and physical coma where I feel like I am just barely existing.

God doesn’t want me to merely just exist.

“God sees the entire journey and knows what’s ahead of you – even if you feel you’re sloshing through the muck. He sees the end of the path – where you will break through the trees and go running into his arms.”

I am going to try my best to start living again and trust God. By the end of this year I want some amazing stories to tell and a fresh outlook on life in general. It has been a five year journey for me to get to this place in my life where I am now, dependent on only myself and choosing to create my own happiness.

I KNOW difficult roads lead to amazing views because I have traveled and conquered them before. And I will again. Getting off the couch and purposely moving forward with courage even if my anxiety is at its worst…is necessary.

I deserve so much more in life than I have been settling for by taking the easy route.

Praying for strength and courage to bust through those barricades and enjoy and trust my journey again. Most people settle. But I am not most people.

Thanks for following along with me. I pray you have the courage to keep moving forward on the road less traveled too. It’s difficult but it’s worth it. 


Stacey ~ iamalive


2 Replies to “Difficult Roads”

  1. Stacey what ever you have gone through that has hurt you so bad I pray that you can overcome this as a personal goal in your life.

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