“It’s your road and yours alone. Others may walk it with you but no one can walk it for you.” ~Rumi
When I look back at my life I never imagined it would have turned out the way it did. So many dreams and desires that never got fulfilled…pushed aside until a better time. So many distractions, so many rejections, so many woulda shoulda couldas. Sometimes I wish I could turn back the clock. Unfortunately time waits for no one….there is no going back.
I dreamed of being a veterinarian when I was a kid. I loved animals so much and they brought me so much joy. They were my friends and I wanted to help them. But a college advisor told me that I would never make it in vet school so I gave up on my dream.
The stack of rejection letters from jobs I didn’t receive throughout my adult career probably killed a small tree.
Hearing the “It’s not you, it’s me” line countless times from every man I thought was “the one” was enough to make me seriously think something was wrong with me.
I always thought that if I met the “right man” I would finally be blessed with a baby. Two failed marriages and a handful of failed relationships later…my two cats are my fur-kids.
And then there’s me getting in my own way. Insecurity and fear of the unknown held me back from pursuing so many things that excited me. Worrying about my self-image and what others thought of me held me prisoner beginning in grade school throughout my adulthood.
Today I am following my dreams and I am finally letting go of the need for validation from others. I ask my closest friends for their opinions when I am facing a dilemma but definitely not as much as I used to. As I am growing closer to God and my faith is becoming stronger…I do not need validation from people who do not understand me or my journey. I do not need a special degree, fancy job or a relationship to be secure anymore. My validation comes from the only one who KNOWS my heart.
Today I thank You God for my journey. The distractions and rejections only led me to right where I am supposed to be. I do not need validation from anyone else. Only You show me the way and I trust You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Stacey ~ iamalive