Hello 🙂
First of all I wanted to pass on that my Twitter account has been temporarily suspended. I should be back on again within 48 hours. I either followed too many people or I tweeted too much…so I am temporarily grounded!
I think about what I want to write about in my blog everyday. I have soooo many things swimming around up there that sometimes it is too overwhelming so I do not write until I have an “ah ha” moment. Well, I had one of those this evening 🙂 I went to visit my therapist Dr. Janet. I have been going to talk to her off and on since spring 2008 after my first divorce. She has seen me at rock bottom, on top of a mountain and at all points in between. Today was my first visit back since fall 2012. I am not depressed. I do not really feel the need for therapy. I think I went to talk to her today to verbalize what I had been feeling on the inside…that I had made it through. To possibly give myself closure on my past. To explain out loud that I have finally figured out some things about myself that I have been puzzled by for YEARS.
Last year (2013) was a transformation year for me. I think I finally realized what I am made of and I truly feel like I was reborn as a result of this realization. I went through the most difficult break up in my entire life…my second divorce. I did it without therapy. I did it on my own and in a good healthy way. I have turned so many negative things into positives that it totally blows my mind. My faith in GOD has led me to where I am today and I am forever thankful for forcing myself to go back to church at a very difficult time in my life. I started working out. I started spending more time with friends. I started taking care of my own needs again. I left a very negative work situation not knowing if or when I would find another job and thankfully I found a very good job within a very short time. I just feel like I have been through enough “stuff” in my life that I finally see the BIG PICTURE now. I have come full circle. I may have taken the looooooooong route to get here but I made it and I appreciate everything that much more. I left my appointment today crying happy tears and realizing that yes, I am going to be ok. I am soooo strong now…it is an amazing feeling.
In the past I struggled with the fact that I thought I needed a man in my life in order to be happy but I realize now that is not the case. I am happy with who I am on the inside and out. And it is ok to just be with ME. I am a college graduate. I have owned two homes so far in my life. I have held very good jobs since graduating college. I have been capable of taking care of myself all along. I have a deep love for animals. I care about the environment and the future of the planet. I just enjoy nature and this beautiful planet that we are so lucky to live on. I have an enormous soft spot for elderly people. I have a passion for travel and adventure. I have an obsession with music. I have a soft heart which I get from both of my parents. I have a passion for writing. I have a passion for inspiring others. I have so many positive things in my life that have always been there but my eyes were closed and I couldn’t see them. My eyes are wide open now! I do not know where my journey is taking me but I am excited for the ride…it is SO good to be alive! 🙂
Thank you for reading my messages. If you have found my page I greatly thank you for taking the time to check in on me. I hope that you may have found something that you can relate to and I hope that you have a blessed day!
xo Stacey