
God Gave Me You


If you are one of the first subscribers to my blog and you are reading this from your email inbox right now I just want to say THANK YOU! I greatly appreciate your support! And for everyone else who has found this place…I thank you as well! Welcome! 🙂 (You can subscribe by clicking the live link at the bottom of the Home page).

I posted a picture on Instagram last night of a strange concoction of a dinner that I prepared. I am moving this weekend and I am trying to clean out my refrigerator, so I threw together a little bit of everything I had in the frig. It was actually quite tasty although and odd combination of kale and veggies, a side of homemade guacamole and sliced fresh mango for dessert. Someone picked up on the fact that I said I was “moving” and made a comment that they would have been “freaking out” because I just returned from a 12-day road trip last week.

A vacation and a move back to back? Sure why not!

In the past, YES, I would have been extremely stressed out right now. I definitely wouldn’t be writing a blog post tonight. I would more than likely be curled up in a ball on the floor “freaking out.” But I am not. I have been planning and preparing and praying. A LOT.

The most important thing I have learned on my journey over the last two years while coming ALIVE again through Christ is that it is necessary to stay in CONSTANT contact with God. We slip. We fumble. We fall. But when we are down He picks us back up.

I went to visit my dad at the nursing home today after work. I took him a Subway sandwich that I picked up with a gift card one of my sisters sent him for Father’s Day. It is always a nice surprise for him when he is able to eat something other than the nursing home food (which is actually very GOOD!). But not as good as a sub he ate tonight sitting outside on the back patio in the sunshine.

I enjoy having dinner with him as much as he does with me. It is quality time together and those moments are precious. As we were eating our sandwiches, I explained to him about my upcoming move. He really didn’t have much to say about that though. He was more impressed that we were sitting outside eating a sandwich, just the two of us. And he said to me after he took a bite “Man, you really know how to LIVE!”

THAT made my day! 🙂 My dad is almost 80 and he gets it. He is quiet and doesn’t have a lot to say these days. But he appreciates the little things. As I do now, like I never did in the past. The reason? A personal relationship with Jesus has changed my life.

When I am having a bad day at work or stuck in traffic or got charged more than I should have or I have a headache or (it is never ending isn’t it?) I really try to make a conscious effort to STOP myself from dwelling on negative feelings. Life is full of ups and downs. That is life! One surprise after the next. But it is up to us to make the best of every situation. We are in those difficult situations for a reason. Our days are also FULL of the little things that can bring us joy if we notice them instead of taking them for granted and only focus on the wrongs.

“Lord help me walk by Your truth and not my feelings.” ~ Wendy Blight

It is that simple and it is that difficult. But that is now my prayer EVERY SINGLE DAY. NUMEROUS TIMES PER DAY. Remain in constant connection with Him. He is always there. There are ups and there are downs but the downs do not have to rule your thoughts.

God is everywhere. He is in the beautiful sunset that I saw as I was driving home tonight. He is in the little reminders like my dad’s comment about me “knowing how to live” (YES I DO NOW!). He is in the songs I hear on the radio, some of which bring me to my knees at that exact moment I need to hear them.

“God gave me you for the ups and downs. God gave me you for the days of doubt. For when I think I’ve lost my way there are no words here left to say, it’s true. God gave me you.”

Today, walk by His truth, not your feelings.


Stacey ~ iamalive







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