Happy 2014!!!
My year has started off rather quietly (I slept all day today!) but I spent New Year’s Eve with my best friend (love you AL!) and I had dinner tonight with a young couple that I love dearly. If you’re reading this Brandy and Julian, thanks for inviting me ❤I have no major resolutions this year. I just plan to continue on the positive path that I started in the summer of 2013. I am unbelievably blessed and I’m looking forward to new opportunities and experiences. I plan to spend as much quality time this upcoming year with the people I care about because that is what’s truly important to me. I am just thankful to know that God has a plan for my life that is so much bigger than I ever imagined. I feel like I am finally LIVING and I’m overjoyed about what lies ahead of me. It’s good to be alive!
P.S. I have no idea why the one pic is upside down when I view on my computer…but on my phone it appears ok!!! I apologize!
you are amazing and truly an inspiration