

Hello blog, I have neglected you this week! 🙂

I have had a busy week.  I actually worked on Labor Day (half day).  I spent Tuesday with my best childhood friend Steph because it was her birthday…we went out for Mexican food at lunch and then I ate dinner with her family at her house that evening.  Wednesday I met my friend Shan after work and we joined a gym!  We didn’t work out but hey, joining is a start right???  😉  Today I visited my Dad at the nursing home after work and that ALWAYS puts me in a good mood.  He is my inspiration.  He keeps his chin up although he cannot walk or get around by himself anymore.  It makes me realize that I need to be more thankful for my health and that although sometimes things seem bad…I AM ALIVE.  He is there for me for support as he has been throughout my life and for that I am truly thankful.  Tomorrow I am planning to work out with Shan and my other friend Anna will be joining us!  I am very excited about this.  I need to get in shape and lack motivation so it will help to have friends supporting me.

I am looking forward to the weekend.  I plan to spend some time outdoors.  I plan to work on my stories I am writing…I am entering some travel writing contests and I am really excited about that.  I have always enjoyed writing and I have a lot of experiences to share…something positive for me to focus on.

I feel like I am accomplishing more and more everyday.  Life does go on after setbacks.  I know I am not alone…God is on my side and for that I am thankful for today and everyday.

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