


“But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.” Matthew 5:39

That doesn’t sound fun does it? I would think if someone slapped me, my reaction would be to slap back or flee the situation completely. Why in the world would I stand there and turn the other cheek?

Because that is what Jesus would do. Jesus did the unexpected.

I have changed a lot while on this journey of faith. As my faith has increased, my need to please the world has decreased. My need to do what everyone else is doing so I can fit in has pretty much vanished. I am living to please God, not my peers who will judge me no matter what I do.

And on the flip side…I’ve realized I cannot change others either. I can only be a beacon of light as I grow in my faith. We are each on our own individual journeys. Who am I to tell others what they should or should not do? That’s between them and God.

I’m not God. You’re not God. But we can both be like Jesus. We can turn the other cheek and offer grace because we’ve been given so much of it ourselves. If we stop judging long enough, we might  realize that the ones who are the most difficult to deal with in our lives are the ones who need us to love them most.

Do do the unexpected.


Stacey ~ iamalive




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