
All The Things ~ Day 7

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

I have been guilty for a long time (maybe all of my life) for always seeking the next thing and never being content with the here and now. My thinking is always off to the future…someday and somewhere else. Whenever this or that happens, then I can start living my life.

The thing God has been teaching me for a couple of years now (I am slowly getting it because I am extremely stubborn) is that I cannot put things off in an unknown future. I don’t want to live in this town where I have lived all of my life but I am still here. I don’t want to work in the field I have been working in for 20 years but I am still clocking in every day. I don’t want to do a lot of things that I do. But I am where I am because God has put me here to learn something and to do something…right where I am now.

He has been orchestrating ALL of it and my eyes have been closed dreaming of the future when he has been shouting at me to open my eyes and see that I am right where I am supposed to be. I am guilty of being frustrated and thinking he has forgotten about me when all this time he has been all around me…in everything. It really is a relief when I think of it this way.

Having faith that he is in control, not me, brings me a feeling of peace and contentment. Continuing to follow his plan and see where it leads me.


Stacey ~ iamalive

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