
Isn’t It Funny? ~ Day 8

Isn’t it funny how there are some people in your life that you can go months or YEARS without seeing or talking to but when you reconnect it is like no time has passed? You just pick up right where you left off without thinking twice about it.

And isn’t it funny how there are other people who come into your life like a tornado and turn your world upside down? You have to wonder how you made it all of your life without them. But as quickly as they came in they are gone. You are strangers once again. You will likely never see or talk to them again. But they changed your life forever.

I love both of these types of people. I have learned that not everyone who enters my life is meant to stay around forever. Sometimes I have held on too long because it was so hard to let go. But eventually I realized they played a small but pivotal part in my journey, turning me in a different direction. And as for the lifetime people…you are my family.


Stacey ~ iamalive

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