
New Year


What a year, 2016…you outdid yourself. It truly is amazing how much can change in a year. But many things are still the same. I lost touch with old friends and gained some amazing new ones. I realized I CAN love again. I conquered a physical labor job that brought more joy to my soul than I ever imagined. I LIVED in Japan for 6 weeks! I faced fear and stepped out of my comfort zone in so many ways. I gave my life over the Christ for the second time in my life…this time it was my choice. There are a lot of unknowns as I walk out the door this morning into 2017 but I’m not afraid like I used to be. I KNOW God has my back and I’ll be okay no matter what comes my way. I’m thankful to be alive. I am free. I’m hopeful for things to come. I’m grateful for everyone in my life and I’m happy you’re a part of it. I wish you all much peace, health, happiness, love, joy, and blessings in the year to come. Life gets hard sometimes but the sun always shines new light again. ☀ Here’s to a beautiful #2017 ❤ #journey #iamalive #writer #blogger #2017 #inspiration #grateful #thankful #blessed #alive

(Originally posted on Instagram. I’m going to get back to regular blogging soon! I’ll also be posting my life 2016 picture video this week with my favorite moments of 2016).


Stacey ~ iamalive




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