Being 45 is…
Having to get rid of all your Daisy Dukes because they no longer feel appropriate in public.
Keeping one pair of Daisy Dukes because they still make you feel 25.
Dealing with excess belly fat that suddenly appears and seems determined to stay no matter how many crunches you do or how healthy you eat.
Not apologizing for saying no.
Downsizing instead of obsessing about having more and acquiring things.
Accepting that your parents might not be around much longer.
Eating ice cream for dinner and tacos for breakfast.
Actually bothering to wear sunscreen although it’s probably too late.
Going to bed at 7pm like an elderly person and sleeping until noon like a teenager.
Having phantom pains on a daily basis.
Sending inappropriate memes back and forth with friends because they make you lol hysterically.
Taking a handful of pills/vitamins every day.
Wondering when you’re going to start going through “the change.”
Wearing reading glasses.
Going to the movies and out to dinner alone.
Not being too hard on yourself when you fail.
Rocking out to AC/DC just like you did when you were 16 when “You Shook Me All Night Long” comes on the radio.
Having mercy instead of judging others.
Knowing that all will be okay because you’ve been around long enough to know that’s really true.
Taking naps pretty much anywhere, anytime.
Planning vacations even when you don’t have a significant other and ENJOYING traveling alone.
Drinking iced coffee when you thought your mom was weird for doing it in the ‘80s.
Leaving the house without makeup because you really don’t have that many people to impress anymore.
Talking to God all the time and actually listening for his response because you know now you cannot do it all on your own.
Knowing you have to let some people go in order for both of you to grow.
Singing in the car at the top of your lungs when you hear pretty much any Alabama song or Fishin’ in the Dark and you don’t really even like country music.
Being friendly with your ex’s significant other because you already ‘been there done that’ and there’s absolutely nothing to be jealous about.
Loving yourself, flaws and all.
Loving where you are in this very moment of this beautiful, short, precious life.
Knowing you’re doing the best you can and that is enough.
Being free to be YOU. Maybe that is true at whatever age you have your own personal enlightenment (because everyone has one eventually) and when that happens you embrace and accept yourself for who you are…not who you think you should be.
Realizing your life is more than half over, having a meltdown about it, but choosing to wake up each new day and deciding to grow old gracefully or ungracefully…because it is your life and every day is a beautiful blessing and so are you no matter how graceful or ungraceful you feel.
Losing friends you thought would be there forever.
Having a couple of friends you know will be there until the end through thick and thin.
Letting go of the need to be perfect and embracing the messiness because at least it is your mess, dammit.
Letting go of the need to be right.
Not playing into gossip, which makes life much more peaceful.
Buying a one piece bathing suit.
Eating dessert before the meal.
Knowing you made it this far so the rest should be a breeze.
Having 45 years experience on what NOT to do.
Giving yourself the same grace God gives you and not beating yourself up for screwing up.
Accepting that you might not be needed by anyone else ever again besides your cat.
Smiling because life is really freaking cool and you get to LIVE it.
Enjoying the journey.
Your list at your particular age is probably a lot different than mine. I did this because I have been struggling with getting older lately. But after some thought I realize I am in a very good place in life. 45 is a middle stage where I’ve done all of the growing up stuff and had plenty of adventures and life experiences, yet I am still healthy enough to enjoy life peacefully before I have to deal with aches and pains that inevitably come with growing older. I am not who I once was…and I am not yet who I will become. I am who I am in this very moment and that is all I really have. That is enough.
Stacey ~ iamalive
I love what you say here all. You are very good to express emotions in words.
I have no idea how I stumbled on this Stacey, but I love what your wrote. You are a good writer! I can relate to almost all of these…still 44 and holding tough. 🙂 Maria <3